The Rule of Six - again

I've another six words in Type! issue 10. Read it for free here.

Family Recipes


My short story Family Recipes was beautifully read by Gloria Sanders at Liars' League's live lit event for October, Bell, Book and Candle! A wonderful night of spooky stories, and I absolutely love the death pie image they used to tease the story (image credit: @theepicureanmouse).

The Commoner

Next month, Calque Press are going to publish a collection of D&D inspired stories and poems written for the live lit event I attended last November. It was great night, and I'm very excited to have my piece included!

The Ice Palace

I've a short story, The Ice Palace, appearing in the upcoming Folklore-themed issue of The Amphibian.

The Rule of Six

Does 6 words count as flash fiction? I've 6 words in the latest issue of TYPE! magazine, which you can read for free here.
This is the first time I've supplied a bio longer than the actual work!

Daemons & Ghosts

A section of my research log appears in the new issue of the Digital Review, as a Twine work, Daemons & Ghosts. I usually like to hide behind fiction, and my original submission to the DR was actually a story, but it was the research log detailing the creation of the story that was accepted. I'm very grateful to be part of their AI-themed issue!

Imperium Maledictum

The Imperium Maledictum starter set is available now as a pdf, and physical copies are available to preorder. This is the first time I've had the opportunity to work in Warhammer's grimdark 40k setting!

Full House

I've put a flash piece up on the Future Visions website. It's a really interesting project, collecting many voices using various media to share visions of the future. Full House is a short piece I wrote at the Imaginarium, for an exercise in evisioning a potential future - so seemed appropriate to type up and submit for this.

War for the Throne

The Twilight Imperium Genesys RPG adventure War for the Throne is out now! I loved working on this, it's such a fun setting. Available as a hardback, or can be ordered as a digital copy here.


I've a short story appearing in a new Arachne Press anthology, Byways, due for publication in March 2024.

Tickets for the online launch, 7pm on the 20th March, can be purchased (free) from here.

The Snowstorm

My short story The Snowstorm is up on the Litro website.

Dungeons & Dragons

So I was brave and took part in a live lit jam. I couldn't resist, given the theme. I chose the prompt of The Commoner.

The Hunt


My story The Hunt is up on the Litro Magazine website.

26 Plants

I'm working as one of the writers on a new 26 project, 26 Plants, in association with the Wildlife Trusts. I was (randomly) assigned Alpine Lady Fern.


My story Miniatures appears in Issue 16 of BFS Horizons. You can get it for the Kindle here or as a paperback here.

26 Places in Cornwall

I worked as one of the editors on the 26 Places in Cornwall project, which gave me the chance to work with some amazing writers. I wasn't able to visit Cornwall during the project, but certainly learnt a lot!

The World of Earthborne


I'm proud to have worked on The World of Earthborne. Available as a kickstarter exclusive, this book contains art and lore from the upcoming Earthborne Rangers game.

Earthborne Rangers is a sustainably-made game set in an exciting, optimistic future. I'm glad to have been involved, and hope this game shows others the way...